Family Statistics
Our hearts break with the things that break the heart of God
Every minute in America, 2 marriages fail.
100 years ago, parents spent 54% of their waking hours
raising children. Now, parents spend only 18% of their time raising
34% of American families eat one meal together daily.
Couples spend an average of 4 minutes uninterrupted together
each day.
Only 12% of families pray together.
88% of all children raised in an evangelical homes will leave
church by age 18 never to return.
The average father spends 8-10 minutes per day with his
children and that includes TV time and meals.
Each year, 1 million children are born to unmarried parents.
75% of all teenage murderers come from fatherless homes.
2,100 children a day hear "We're separating".
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves
and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from
heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.
-II Chronicles 7:14